So... it's been a minute since I've updated y'all on the progress of my 101 goals . I've been getting away from blogging about my goals... because there were obviously more important things to talk about... like Michelle Obama's plastic belt and John B's wife's twists! But I'm back! And here has been what's going on in the past few months..
For those of you who are new to my 101 goals list, back in September I started a project where I wanted to complete 101 goals in the next 1001 days. The goals have to do partly with self improvement and are partly just fun thins that I want to do, or things that I've been putting off. I'm hoping to save $10 for each completed goal... and I'm going to do something fun with all the money I save... Not sure what yet. All of my previous goals posts are labeled as "101 things". I'm going to try and update more consistently with the goals because they really were the impetus of my blogging.
Anywhoo... here's what I've been up to!
Finished Goals!I’ve finished 7 out of 101 goals…. (Geez… that’s not that great, eh? LOL) and 2 were completed within the last 3 months
Motivate someone else to do their own 101 List- My girl Dawn informed me that her brother had created his 101 goals list and had already completed at least a few goals! Yay Dawn's Bro!.
Buy a digital piano (casio privia or Yamaha YPG)- I bit the bullet and bought myself a absolutely beautiful digital piano that i LOVE back in July. I've been off and on with the practicing... the summer hasn't been great for me, but I'm dedicated to utilizing my investment better come fall!
Goals in Progress4.) Acquire >2 songs per month for 6 months (4/6)- August would be month #5 of this goal (although May was a bit sketchy... heh heh... ). The whole purpose of this goal was to ensure that I add new music to my collection AND to blog about it... I've been adding, but not sharing my thoughts with you all... That will hopefully change in August.. Here's what I've been downloading so far:
-April- Theophilus London (This Charming Mixtape) and Kid Cudi- Day and Night
-May- Gordon Gartrell Radio, Black Eyed Peas (Boom Boom Pow)
-June- The entire Jazmine Sullivan Album
-July- The entire Essential Michael Jackson Album
10.) Make 100 new recipes (28/100)- Moving along nicely with this goal, me thinks... I think the last recipes I posted on (in reference to my 101 goals) were my Ethiopian recipes with Curtis (recipes 15-17). Since then... I've made...
* Pasta with peas
* Barley Risotto (Clean Eating Mag)
Tangine of Chicken and Peas (Serious Eats NY)
* Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies (All recipes)
Lemon chicken with Parsley and Mint (Epicurious)
Tangy Spicy Chicken Thighs (TheKitchn)
Grilled pork with cherry chutney (Epicurious)
Plum upside down cake (Simply Recipes)
* Soy-Ginger baked tilapia (
* Split pea soup with Chorizo (
* Orecchiette with Broccoli, Anchovies and Chilis (
Serious Eats)
20.) Watch all the movies that have won Best Picture since I’ve been alive. (16/25)- I'm at 16 of 25... Some of which I saw before I started this and 3 of which I've seen since: Platoon, Out of Africa, and Lord of the Rings. I blogged about the first 2... hopefully I'll find something intelligent to say about the remaining 9 :-)
34.) Blog on my 101 90% of the days (112/901): Between my 2 blogs (now just one) I officially have 112 blog entries… Long ways to go my friends....
37.) Visit 10 museum/art exhibits or lectures (1/10): I visited the Museum of Sex with my Brother and Sister in Law during their visit to NYC.... and yes, MoSex counts damnit!
44.) Take 1 weekend trip per quarter (3/8)- Not doing too shabby on this one... maybe not purposefully, but still it's gettin done! I have to figure out how I'm going to make up Q1...
- Q1 (Sept/Oct/Nov 2008)- No Trips:
- Q2 (Dec 2008/Jan/Feb 2009) - Cincinatti Christmas
- Q3 (March/April/May 2009) - Birthday Trip to M.I.A
- Q4 (June/July/August) - DC trip to visit Cyn
13.) Try 50 foods or types of cuisine I haven't tried (8/50)- I don't think I've tried any new foods in the past few months.... really need to remedy this.
Stuff to start very soon....31.) Read 6 non-fiction books (0/6)... Really I need to get one this. LOL
5.) Take 1 picture every day for 6 months (0/180) - Hoping to start on August 15, 2009
66.) Have conversations/meetings with people at the DOH not working in HIV (0/3)71.) Make a business plan for my personal chef business- Been slacking, but not for long...
74.) Save $15,000 for emergency fund- Not too far off....
75.) Start retirement planning/Open retirement account- Just need to do it...
76.) Put $5 in savings for each completed task and $10 for every uncompleted one. -Also just need to do it
... LOL it's only $35 dollars so far. LOL