In world news (at least the unimportant world news that I find out on Ohellnaw) On the heels of Usain Bolts historic record shattering 100-meter dash... looks like another runner is out to make history... or just headlines. Apparently there has been some... concern... that 18 year old 800-meter runner Caster Semenya of South Africa who smashed the women's 800-meter dash record is actually a man. Whoa! The World Track and Field Federation has requested a gender test to determine Semenya's sex once and for all.....
Honestly from the picture it's really hard to tell. She has an incredibly masculine body... no hips or thighs or boobies... but she doesn't have any type of a bulge either. I don't know on this one... if she really is a women then she's going to have some serious self esteem issues after this whole thing is over. If she's a man then the South African's have some 'splaining to do... I'm hoping that she's a hermaphrodite... not only because I'm obsessed with hermies, but it would also be interesting to see how they rule on this case.
Here are some additional pics for your consideration....

What do y'all think? He or she?
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