Please note I am NOT hating on any beautiful bi-racial, "exotic", long haired, light skindeded types... but it's always refreshing to me to see a successful man marry a brown/dark-skinned black woman. Sorry if that's offensive to anyone...
I also think this really hit home for me (again) because I just finished reading a little snippet about Terrell Owens who is known for dating a "certain type" and feeling that he "shouldn't be faulted for that" I caught a snippet of his reality show last week where he was complaining because his homegirl was wearing a head scarf to bed... and he would never date anyone who had to wear a head scarf... Ugh just STFU with your sexy ass...LOL...
Moving on...
Anywhoo... just saw this pic on YBF of John B and his wife.

I love it!
And my eternal favorite couple- Anthony Hamilton and his stunning wife Tarsha

I love them so much I can't even stand it.....
I swear if Anthony leaves her for a Japarazilia-rican model/actress I will slit my wrists
I get it, I'm mixed but I get it. For me the biggest thing is the hair. I'm light skinned but have a huge mass of black very curly (we're talking smaller than a pencil in width), sometimes nappy, and very clearly 'ethnic' hair. I hate weave, have never chemically straightened my hair, and said goodbye to my flatiron for good last year. I am always glad to see black beauty (real black beauty) celebrated in relationships because it is so rarely celebrated in the media. The problem is that there are so few celebrities who aren't white that celebrate and highlight what makes them unique. Kinky hair gets straightened, brown skin is lightened, full lips are toned down, prominent noses are 'fixed'. Healthy dreadlocks beat out plastic braids any day. Biracial actresses (all three of them...ha) are constantly pressured to emphasize their whiteness. What a shame. Realizing that I was never supposed to have straight hair and celebrating the kinky choas has been one of the most freeing experiences of my life.
ReplyDeleteHey Lia, thanks for the comment! I saw your posting on "The Kitchn" and started exploring your blog. I love it... I'm a rampant comment-er (is that word) so expect some comments real soon :-)
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with everything you said. Regardless if it's natural hair (unless it hangs in perfect corkscrews!), brown skin, a flat nose... there are all things that people (read: men) tend to dismiss as inferior... especially as they gain more an more success... it's like, big house? Check! Nice car? Check! "Exotic" wife? Check!
I am not against the idea of having a beautiful wife as a "status symbol"... that's reality... it's just unfortunate and saddening that dark skinned women are often dismissed by successful brothers who think that, in their quest for a "status wife", there's always something better than a beautiful, brown/dark skinned black woman. Oh well.... at this point, that's life but it definitely makes me appreciate images of black love like the ones above. :-)