-If you're in the market for a reuinion, prom, wedding, etc gown, check out the 90% off sale at edressme. (from Budget Fashionista)
-30% off at GAP, Banana Republic, and Old Navy for 5 days in March (starting March 12th). You need a barcode number. You can find it here . (from Budget Diva)
-The dude over at Flwrpt Brooklyn! posted a new mix, "Spring 2009"... It's hot. IT's mid-tempo, uptempo R&B, hip-hop, house, etc... He has a ton of great mixes on that site... I've been listening to them all weekend.
- I LOVE Gordon Gartrell Radio. It's a podcast/radio show hosted by MC/singer Phonte (of Little Brother/Foreign Exchange) and DJ Brainchild. They have 12 podcasts up so far starting back in May of 2008. The music is good. The commentary is HIL.LARIOUS. I love it. The most recent episode was posted back in February and talks about domestic violence... in the light of the Rihanna/Chris Brown debacle. The first song is really intense (at least to me) but if you can get past the first song the music is hot and the commentary is great. Check out this episode (and all the other ones). (http://www.gordongartrellradio.com)
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