My dog is very cute....
Leroy and I were off to the vet last Thursday for Leroy's big surgery. GOOO castration... this is Leroy's before shot... I think he suspected something was up...
When we got to the vet, Leroy got a little overwhelmed and promptly peed on the floor while I was talking to the receptionist... I think he was stressed, the vet tech said it was because of all the dog smells... maybe because he knew his balls were about to be removed... here's a pic of him pre-surgery... More wrinkles and bigger frown... Poor Leroy

Leroy made out of his surgery like a champion and he was bouncing around like his old self when I picked him up the next day. They didn't put a cone on him, so I unfortunately don't have any funny cone head pics.... oh well.
Leroy is not allowed to run or do anything strenuous for 10 days... He got a little bored at the apartment on Saturday and decided to create a toy out of my diet coke bottle. Such a creative little guy!

While Leroy was at the vet, the nice doctor found out that he still had wormies. He's had wormies before... we think he got them from his mother, because his littermate also has the same problem. Leroy has to take medicine by mouth for the next 4 days. Leroy does not like his medicine and does not always want to swallow it.

Leroy had a very eventful weekend. He is still feeling a bit under the weather, but is looking forward to being able to go run about outside in a week or so.
Bye everyone!
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