They were a hot mess....
They looked kind of like this picture. --------- >
But e'rbody was quick to tell me how cute they were... even you Steph, even though you came clean once I took them out. So I am

I'll let you know how they turn out! :-)
Start Date: September 1, 2008
End Date: May 30, 2011
Goals currently in Process goals will be in blue italics
Completed goals will be marked with a strikethrough
Fun things for me
1.) Adopt a pug
2.) Go White Water Rafting
3.) Take a serious wine class(Sept 2010)
4.) Acquire >2 songs per month for 6 months (4/6)
5.) Take 1 picture every day for 6 months (0/180)
6.) Celebrate the end of the list with a dinner out/party with friends
7.) Take a cake decorating class
8.) Take a cooking class
9.) Take a hot air balloon ride(Sept 2010)
10.) Make 100 new recipes (55/100)
11.) Get a professional massage
12.) Take a class at Babes in Toyland (Aug 2010)
13.) Try 50 foods or types of cuisine I haven't tried (14/50)
14.) Watch the sun rise on the beach
15.) Go skiing
16.) Go to at least 1 Broadway show per year (2/2)
17.) Take 5 dance classes (not at the gym) (0/5)
18.) Set up an indoor herb garden and maintain for 2 months (0/2)
19.) Get a facial
20.) Watch all the movies that have won Best Picture since I’ve been alive. (16/25)
Doing nice things for folks….
21.) Send 1 letter to my sponsored child
22.) Give 10 "just because" gifts (0/10)
23.) Do a strip-tease for my boyfriend
24.) Give my parents a really nice anniversary gift
25.) Motivate someone else to do their own 101
26.) Buy dinner for a homeless person
27.) Walk Dogs at B.A.R.C 10 times (0/10)
Doing nice things for Nana…
28.) Meditate every day for 1 month (0/30)
29.) Read the Bible
30.) Go without a computer or TV for 48 hours 1x per month for 3 months (0/3)
31.) Read 6 non-fiction books (0/6)
32.) Get up at 5:30 am every day for 3 weeks (0/3)
33.) Read the newspaper or at least CNN.com 5 days a week for 1 month (0/20)
34.) Blog on my 101 90% of the days (133/901)
36.) Create a new 101 list
37.) Visit 10 museum/art exhibits or lectures (2/10)
38.) Go to a spiritual/meditation retreat
39.) Be on time or early for everything for a month (0/30)
40.) Don’t drink alcohol for 60 days (0/60)
41.) Find a civic organization to join and attend 5 meetings (0/5)
42.) Wear jewelry, other than earrings at least 3 days a week for a month (0/12)
43.) Take a trip to see the Foliage in
44.) Take 1 weekend trip per quarter (2/8)
45.) Visit 3 states I've never been to before (0/3)
46.) Take 1 trip out of the country
47.) Take multivitamins every day for 3 months (0/90)
48.) Take medication every day for 3 months (0/90)
49.) Get my ear waxed cleaned
50.) Drink 1.5 liters of water per day for 2 months (0/60)
51.) Reduce body fat to 20%
52.) Do 15 minutes of abs 3 times a week (outside of a class) for 1 month (0/12)
53.) right/left splits
54.) Center splits
55.) Go to the gym 500 times (0/400) *UPDATED*
56.) Complete 50 military push-ups
57.) Learn how to make healthy bread and make 1 per month for 4 months (0/4)
58.) Complete a 10 day cleanse/fast
59.) Get a complete physical
60.) Go the gynecologist and dentist once per year (1/4)
Random Things I've been putting off
61.) Make the earring holder I've been putting off
62.) Read 5 books on my shelf that I haven't yet read (0/5)
63.) Buy a water filter
64.) Figure out 2 things that scare me shitless and do them (0/2)
65.) Create my wardrobe database
66.) Have conversations/meetings with people at the DOH not working in HIV (0/3)
67.) Go to at 4 networking events and collect 5 business cards at each event
68.) Meet 3 people working in pharma (research and eval) (0/3)
69.) Get a promotion in title and salary in or outside of the dept of health
70.) Take 2 classes in field (0/2)
71.) Make a business plan for my personal chef business
72.) Attend APHA conference
73.) Present at 1 conference
74.) Save $15,000 for emergency fund
75.) Start retirement planning/Open retirement account
76.) Put $5 in savings for each completed task and $10 for every uncompleted one.
77.) Set a budget and stick to it for 2 months (0/2)
78.) Don't eat out for 1 month
79.) Apply for housing lotteries
80.) Do 400 "no spend" days (1/400) *UPDATED*
81.) Invest money in 2 types of investments (0/2)
82.) Wax my own armpits and legs at least 1 time
83.) Get a professional bikini wax (Brazilian)
84.) Use the foot thing in the shower every day for 2 month (0/60)
85.) Follow a face and body regimen every day for a month (0/31)
86.) Get a fish pedicure
35.) Go to bed with all clothing hung and no clothing on bed, floor, etc for 45 days (0/45)
87.) Leave no dishes in the sink overnight for 1 month (0/30)
88.) Make bed every day for 1 month (0/30)
89.) Dust my
Learning New Things
90.) Buy a digital piano (casio privia or Yamaha YPG)
91.) Have a long conversation with my dad about his childhood/life/family
92.) Learn to play "How come you don't call me anymore" on the piano
93.) Learn 5 Christmas Carols (0/5)
94.) Learn how to play clair de lune
95.) Play, sing, record song and post on youtube
96.) Hem 2 pairs of pants (0/2)
97.) Take in the waist of 1 pair of pants/skirt
Keeping up with people
98.) Send Christmas cards to at least 20 people for 2 Christmases (0/2)
99.) Remember all immediate family birthdays and send cards for an entire year
100.) Call parents, brothers and sisters 1x per week for 6 months (0/24)
101.) Surprise my parents with a random trip to see them
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