Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous spring day so Leroy and I decided to take a little stroll around the Stuy. We went to the dog park where he played with a 80 pound pitt bull and did a fabulous time teaching a cute little girl about proper puppy care. I was so proud of him! He didn't really jump of on her and he let her attempt to pick him up by his front legs, pull on his tail, generally manhandle him while constantly yelling at him to lick her. Such a good dog! Maybe he does have some therapy dog in him yet. :-)
Leroy and I then strolled over to Fort Greene and checked out the Fero and Addy "Leaving New York" Sale (R.I.P Fero and Addy...) where I ran into my girl Candace and FINALLY found a great bag!
A beautiful Tano bag for less than $100 bucks! Can't beat that!

I also found some adorable earrings and Candace purchased a hot clutch and an iridescent orange bag... Very cute.

So sad Fero and Addy is closing.
Candice, Leroy and I met up with our girl Tania for a late lunch at Cafe Lafayette in Fort Greene where we had a few drinks (ok just I had a few drinks), laughed and entertained the obligatory relationship discussion from a nosey, but kind of cute, passerby. Good times.

I finally got off my butt around 3:00, took a shower and decided to actually achieve something today. I hung out in Target for a few hours... Target is like a black hole... I haven't been there in a while, but there is SO much to look at... I bought a few things that I needed and bought another bag... a white faux-leather tote. I like it. What do ya'll think?

After Target I headed over to the gym for a late workout. No cute boys to look at, but I did get some good circuit training in and feel like my beach body is coming together. I finshed off the weekend with a delicious dinner and dessert from Peaches Brooklyn. If you are in Brooklyn and are in the mood for chocolate you should RUN, not stroll, over to Lewis and MacDonough for Peaches' triple chocolate brownie... So.Flucking.Good. No more sweets for me until next Satuday so I was sure to end the weekend on a sweet note!
This was such a beautiful weekend! I can't even verbalize how excited I am that it's spring. Corny as it sounds, I really feel like every spring is a rebirth. Winters are hard for me. Each winter I start out strong, but by the end of the season I'm always depressed and feel like I'm running the last lap of a marathon in the midst of a blizzard so severe that I can't see the finish line... Winter exhausts me. I LOVE it in the beginning, but by the end I'm literally on my knees begging mother nature for mercy. When spring comes it feels like the planet is hugging me and telling me that I made it.... I feel so grateful to be alive and able to experience another spring.
Anywhoo that's enough for now,
I love the Tano bag. Good choice!